Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How Bad is Strawberry Milk?

After watching last week's episode of Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution where Jamie went on a mission to remove flavored milk from the schools, I wondered how bad the flavored milk actually was.  So,  I checked it out on Calorie Count and in one cup:

Plain 1% Milk:
102 calories
2.5g fat
12g carbs (12g sugar)
8g protein

Strawberry 1% Milk and Chocolate 1% Milk:
180 calories
2.5g fat
26g carbs (26g sugar)
7g protein

The major (only) difference is the amount of carbs/sugar.  At first glance, it might not seem like that is a big deal, just 14 grams of sugar.  But one teaspoon of sugar is 4 grams.  Thus, the flavored milks have almost 4 extra teaspoons of sugar in one cup!

Unbelievably, the schools defended the flavored varieties saying they increased consumption.  Apparently, the schools are more concerned about children's calcium intake than their sugar intake.  Considering the childhood obesity epidemic, schools might want to rethink that stance.   

The most encouraging part of the episode was when many of the kids that ordinarily would have taken flavored milk started taking the plain milk. They did so because their teacher, after learning from Jamie about the nutritional differences, encouraged them to.  So, even if schools continue to serve flavored sugar milk, we can get our kids to choose the healthier option through education, awareness and encouragment.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Stay Active and Stay Young

"We do not stop exercising because we grow old; we grow old because we stop exercising." - Dr. Kenneth Cooper

Part of my motivation to exercise comes from wanting to put off the inevitable, delaying the eventual inability to do physical activities that I currently take for granted. I remember my Grandmother taking forever (for-e-ver!) to get out of her Buick.  She couldn't ride bikes and by 80, she couldn't climb stairs. I refuse to be that woman. Or at least I refuse to go down without a fight. 

One thing I try to remember is that it is so much easier to maintain fitness than to build it back up from scratch.  Stay active and stay young.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

FitRinny Fave: Friendship 1% Lowfat Whipped Cottage Cheese

"It's Gold Jerry, Gold!" 

I love this cottage cheese and barrel through a 16oz container every day or so.  Here's why:
  • Light, yet creamy 
  • Fluffy and isn't soupy like many other brands
  • Only 90 calories per serving
  • High in protein with 16 grams per 1/2 cup 
  • Only 3 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram of fat  
  • Like most cottage cheese, it is a little high in sodium, but since sodium isn't a major concern of mine, I'm okay with it.  
I only wish it was from an organic dairy farm.  Sadly not.  

Friendship 1% Lowfat Whipped Cottage Cheese can be found at Giant and Wegman's.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Top 10 Gym Pet Peeves

I wish I wasn't, but I am really easily irritated.  Not sure what that says about me...maybe that I grew up with a Dad and sister who were even more easily irritated, so they called my attention to otherwise trivial noises and behaviors.  I know people aren't trying to get on my nerves and usually they are just oblivious.  The gym has some of the worst offenders.  Here are my top ten:

10.  Squatters --  No, I'm not referring to people doing actual squats.  This is when someone just sits on machines, resting a ridiculously long time between sets.   Either push the weight or get off
9.  Worker-Inners -- "Can I work in?"  Seriously?  There are plenty of other machines and Joe Muscle has to come work in with me on the cable fly.
8.  Sweaters -- Nope, not referring to a wool knit.  These gems leave their sweat pool whereever they go and don't wipe down the equipment after they've used it.
7.  Daters -- people who use the gym as a pick-up joint.  I guess I'm used to it with men, but it is especially cheesy when women do it.  My old gym was full of these chicks who dressed provocatively and talked to any guy who would give them the time of day.
6.  Stinkers -- either because of B.O. or cologne/perfume.  Nothing is worse than getting a big whiff, particularly if I'm already gasping for air doing cardio intervals.
5.  Noisemakers -- Excessive noise, whether grunting, dropping weights or cracking gum.  
4.  Out of shape aerobics instructors -- if you can't make it work for you, why should I believe it will work for me?
3.  Women who only lift tiny, colorful dumbbells.  Come on ladies, you are stronger than that.  I promise, lift heavier...you won't "bulk up."
2.  Chatters -- People who do more talking than working out.  Chatters are especially annoying when they are on the machine next to me.  If you can carry on a full conversation, particularly if that conversation is on a cell phone (major gym faux pas) you are obviously not working hard enough.
1.  Not reracking weights -- This is when men (yes, it is usually men), load up the chest press or squat racks, do their sets and then just leave the weights on the bar.  They are relying on the next person, namely me and my scrawny arms, to struggle with their 45s.  Please, for the love of Pete, just return the plates back to where you found them!  

Did I miss any of your gym pet peeves?